Sunday, January 28, 2007
i already bought the february issue of vogue.
it was pretty nice, but i have not read most of it. i am saving it for the boring days,
when i do not have anything to read.

renee zellweger, covergirl for vouge february issue and
also on the feature story. you can read the story here.
and more pictures of my pets.

taken by me

taken by my sister
this is a picture of my sister hugging my aunts cat, bucky.

poor bucky... hehe, she is gonna be mad when she sees this pic
worried and nervous
Friday, January 26, 2007
i am going to this school, called nagoya womens highschool on tuesday, 3oth...
i am so nervous and worried. it is the real thing... and i am so down... what if i dont pass...
i hope i pass... i really imagine myself shouting for joy...
but life is unpredictable and unfair.
i need to do my best, and of course be ready, physically and emotionally
and i am also scared about college... i want to go to this school in london, called central saint martins, the fashion haven, for me...
the level is so high, and of course, so is the competition... i know it is 3 years from now.
but i feel it not that too far... i am not confident about my creativity, my fashion sense and my
i am feeling so down. i saw this fashion folio, similar to what i have to pass to the school...
it was complicated for me... and the tuition fee is 9,8oo pounds, in japanese yen 2oo,ooo plus,
that is for the international students. there are financial aids, but i am still so worried,
and i have a sister, and at that time, she will be entering high school, just like me now.
thats double payment for my parents.
i do not want to be a burden. i am in emotional stress, right now.
listening to- call me when youre sober, evanescence
Labels: school
Sunday, January 21, 2007
on our first p.e. class, our teacher made us run 15, yep, 15, not the usual ten, times,
around the gym.
but it was the smaller gym, thank goodness.
some of the students cheated... they did not run 15 times. it was frustrating, because i did my best, and they did not... it was so unfair. and it was also tiring... p.e. class...
and my legs and arms, and hips hurt yesterday morning. it got quite better now, but it
made me feel negative towards next p.e. class...
but you know what is worser than that...
being teased by your mother and little sister, about your views on love
my mother, saw the things i wrote on my diary, years ago. it was the past, yep, and when i look back, i think of how silly i was. man... they were teasing me, and to top it all off, my sister
told my mother who i was talking about in the letters/entries. she ignored all my attempts
and signs to keep her pie hole shut...
i cannot trust her anymore 
i was so embarrased, but i do not want them both to see the humility on my face, and
kept my cool...
anyway, this is a pic of my other dog, nana. the one afraid of the camera.
i managed to steal some shots of her, hehehe 
and some pics of rei.

you can see that she looks, quite scared

he loves that blue ball, lol, sorry about that red thingy, it is my jacket...
please forgive me for posting pics of my pets, lol, it looks like a pet blog.
i just love
my pets.
i am working on this calendar for school. all of us pick a date, then we design
a calendar, with that date on it. i made mine, pretty okay.
i will post a pic here, when i finish it.
i might be messy, or blurry, coz i wont be scanning it. the scanner software is not installed,
and i am lazy to install it
i added a blockquote html command, below.
just wanted to experiment on my posts, and i think it looks nice.
listening to- you are the one that i want, from the movie grease,
sung by john travolta and olivia john newton
Thursday, January 18, 2007
i got most of my test results today.
well i think i did, pretty well....
wow... 31 days left before graduation.
oh and yeah, i got my blood type test result. i am an o type.
i scared my sister that if i am an o not a b, she was adopted.
she actually bought it. haha.
but i told her that i was just joking. coz my mom is a b type and so is my sister.
my aunt is an o though, so my mother must be an ob, and my biological father is oo.
that explains me being an o type, and my sister might be ob.
but bs and as are dominant, so even if my sister has an o, from my father, her bloodtype is b.
science class.
i took a picture of my dog yesterday.
he really grew. but i think he will not grow as big as a pure
breed golden retriever coz he is a mix breed.
but i still love him.
i actually named him. from the name i like best, that time, rein.
i took the letter n, and i got rei. my mother did not like it that much,
coz rei, also means spirit or ghost.
i looked it up on google, and it also means gratitude.

he loves that couch.
listening to- underneath your clothes, shakira
fabulousLabels: blood type, dog, pet, rei
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
i got ten thousand yen for new year, from my aunt and uncle.
i spent some, and also the christmas money from my mother.
we went to this mall, coz my sister wanted to buy some things, and i wanted to
buy a notebook where i can stick some of my stickers.
i saw a lot of cute rirukuma items... and monokuro boo, most are san-x and disney characters...
i bought these stuffed toys.

they were so cute, i just cannot resist, not buying them.
but when i got home, i felt guilty. i just realized how much i spent my money in a day.
but i got some left.
we had tests today. it was so tiring. i had a head ache yesterday. and now my right foot hurts. i should go to the doctor if it does not stop aching next week.
i had an injury there, when i was in elementary, and it was not treated properly.
or maybe it is just because of the cold weather... well i hope, it is not serious.
we will have tests tomorrow, too.
next week i will go the nagoya womens h.s. to apply. here, we go by ourselves, if lucky, we can go with someone who will also apply for that school.
i am going alone, but it is fine with me. actually i am excited, because it would be a good experience for me. besides, if i get accepted in the school i am going alone, and i need to get used to that.
wish me luck tomorrow. yep, i need luck, coz i did not study a bit.
bad girl, yes i know that.
mood- fatigued...Labels: stuff toys, test
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
happy new year, to all.
well maybe not to all, especially in bangkok thailand.
New Year's Eve got off to an unexpected bang in the Thai capital, Bangkok, when a series of bombs detonated across town, killing at least three people and injuring dozens, including several foreign tourists. The explosions—no one so far has claimed responsibility—capped off a turbulent year for the Southeast Asian nation. In September, the country's democratically elected Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was ousted by a military junta. Then, on Dec. 19, Thailand's stock exchange suffered its worst-ever one-day drop after the nation's monetary czars instituted controversial capital controls. Meanwhile, an insurgent movement in the country's largely Muslim south has ratcheted up its bloody campaign, setting off near daily bombings in Thailand's three southernmost provinces. "[2006] was the year of the greatest social and political divisions in a generation," says Bangkok-based economist Chris Baker.
read more here
i guess peace is the rarest treasure of all these days.
anyway, the january edition of vouge is already released.
i actually bought it before new years eve.
on the cover and on their feature story is angelina jolie.

Monday, January 01, 2007
yes, it is year o7 here in japan.
me, my mother and step-father went to the temple and wished on the shrines, and gods there when midnight came. my little sister had a little tantrum, and did not come with us, but maybe she was just too lazy to come.
i wished for... good health, good fortune and luck for the family, and protection for my loved ones. i also wished that it would be a good year, and i can achieve my goals in the future,
and to make improvements, and some changes in my lifestyle.
i get mood swings a lot, and bend some rules that i made...
i also decided to make a new blog... because this blog is getting bigger, and to start new things...
i think leaving or forgetting the past helps, sometimes.
my biological father called today, but i was quite stubborn at first, and i only talked to him for a short time.
i celebrated christmas eve with the family. we ordered some food, and i also helped my mother in the kitchen. we made spaghetti, filipino-style.
ordered pizza and lasagnia, bought some cake, azuki sweets, tamagoyaki, oranges, champagne
and 2 cans of cocktail... guess i should put that on my new years list... stop drinking alchohol.
well, i only drink with the family and on special ocassions...
and besides, the new years list is nothing but acessory... i mean people do not actually do most of the things in the list... so sometimes it is useless...
i did make some things to do before i die list.
speaking of death, i felt a tinge of fear one time when the thought crossed my mind.
i am afraid of other peoples death, but not mine.
i used to be ready for it, and did not have fear about the subject. but now i think that, that strong thought of not being afraid, and being ready is now shaking. maybe it is because i started to have dreams and goals in life that i intend to reach...
i did most of my assignment, so i do not have a lot to worry about next week...
but i still have to study for the tests, on 27, and the test on music, to sing or to play the recorder.
i chose to sing. we are going to sing in front of the class... and i am so nervous, i do not do good in crowds, or in front of people. i hope to lose the nerves, so i need to practice more, and gain confidence.