Wednesday, December 27, 2006
i had an influenza shot on christmas, 25.
it still hurt a bit right now and it is qiute red. i also wanted to know my bloodtype so,
the nurse took a blood from me. it hurt, and it took quite long, but it does not hurt now, thank goodness. i will get the results tomorrow. i am excited. my friends ask me what my blood type is sometimes, but i always have nothing to say, lol.
most japanese believe that bloodtypes have something to do with a persons behaviour or personality. it is pretty believable.
and i think a week before i go back to school... yay.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
yesterday, me and my parents had a meeting with my adviser, and we made the final decision about which school i am going to enter.
it has been decided that i go to nagoya womens highschool.
it is an all girls school.
i am happy that we all agreed on it. it is far from our house, it takes approximately 15 minutes from our house to the station, about 17 minutes by subway, but it depends, too, then 7 minutes from the station to the school. it might be tough, but i will do my best.
and it is a private school... and the expenses at school are very expensive. i cannot just not attend school because i am sleepy or tired...
guess it is a battle between me and myself...
i am going to take the bilingual course, it is a course, where all the subject are in english.
i did not like the idea at first, but i have no choice, and besides, i need to study more english...
maybe to pass a toefl exam... someday...
i do not know what career i want in the future... a flight attendant career or a career in fashion designing... i know it is my choice to make... yeah, that is why it becames harder.
i wanted to be a flight attendant because i like traveling, and interacting with people from different races and culture.
but my dream of becoming a fashion designer, gets stronger and stronger each day.
i do not consider myself a creative person, but i have a vivid imagination, and i like to design, and make people clothes, accessories... and i want to study fashion in england or ny...
yes, i am ambitious... but its better than not having a goal or a dream, i guess...
it would be impossible financially... but i will research about the universities and colleges for fashion design, there.
yesterday, i had a little accident at school... well in gym class, we have to do this gymnastic exercise, where you put your weight in your hands, and balance it, with your feet on the air...
walking with your hands... i have not perfected it, but i wanted to take a chance... and i failed 2 times. the first time did not hurt much, but the second time, it did, and i cried. it was so embarassing... i hit the bone on the left side of my hip. it is nothing serious, but it still hurts.
i will go to the doctor if ache is still there by saturday.
and i need to go to the doctor to have a shot for this new influenza virus. it is winter, the season for flus, colds and coughs...
i do not want to miss class.