Tuesday, November 21, 2006
i am having a crappy computer weekend.
i can not use the shift, caps lock, and l zero and six buttons...
tests will be next week, i am so nervous. i have to get a high score, especially in mathematics.
i am thinking of entering nagoya international highschool.
i hope i can get a suisen, not ippan.
if i get suisen, our principal would introduce me to the principal of the school and the principal and others teachers will decide if they accept me, then i guess there is a paper exam too. japanese, english and math subject.
i might flunk math, but i should get a high score in english and japanese, to make out for my math, and maybe i can pass....
but first, i should get a suisen. to get one, i should have high grades in my grade sheet... then have good attendance, and maybe rewards, and some credit by volunteering...
i am happy that i volunteered in some of the activities on the 1st and 2nd grade.
i hope it will pay off...
i am so nervous, i am so not good at mathematics, i might fail my test again...
if i do not get a suisen, i will i have to take ippann, and take exams, too. but this time i will take about 5 to 7 subjects... i guess.
it is so hard...