Thursday, September 28, 2006
We won on our Sports Fest. We actually thought that if we don't have 1st place on the last program which is, 600m relay (boys), we are going to be 2nd place, and
Class 3 is going to be on 1st.
When our PE teacher announced the winners and the first place winner on
the 3rd year, was our class, we were so happy, and shocked, in a good way.
Our point overall was 144.
We were very happy, all our hard work paid out.
Me, and my 3 classmates were came in 1st on 300m relay (girls). I was the first
runner, and I need to pass the baton to the 2nd runner. I was really nervous that I might be slow, and we might lose (come in last or 3rd). But we actually came in first. We were so happy. My team mates were very happy. We were glad to get out of the pressure. I had a good time, but it was so hot outside, and I had a little
head ache, and after I ran my thighs hurt a bit. It was over, and we won, and I am thankful.
I never expected our class to win. Class 3 had a lot of good runners. We were quite devastated when we thought we lost to them.
We also had this program, it's called 'oonawa', 'big jumping rope'. It's a game, where the aim is to jump as many times as you can in 2 or 3 minutes. The girls on the whole class is going to jump on the 1st round for 2 mins. Our class jumped 62 times. It was exhausting! The 2nd round is the boy's round. I think they jumped for about 30+ times. They we're that good. And the last, is the 3rd round, where the boys and girls from the class get to jump as many times as they can for 3 mins.
This is the part we've all been waiting for. We always came last in this program.
So we always practiced every morning. Instead of going to school on 8:00~8:25 in the morning. We decided to go every 7:30 am. The boys on our class really came! It was a surprise. Some were late, but they did their best to come as early as they could.
We had trouble on the 3rd round, where both girls and boys jump. So we concentrated on that part, and tried to jump as many times as we could. Before we can only jump 3 to 4 times continously, and when added, 30 times. But miraculously, today we jumped 50 times! We did very good! Some of my classmates were really happy and cried. I almost did, but I tried not to.
I think it has been a very exciting day. I was so tired, that I almost did not make my chores. But luckily I woke up.
We are hoping to do our best too, on the Music Festival (Ongaku kai).
My computer was broken again.
I really hate it when this happens!!!
Mood: Spectacular and Tired
Sunday, September 17, 2006
I've always wanted to make a website to post my art. But I don't have time to make a layout for it. I don't want to use pre-made and default ones...
But since I have a blog, I'll post it here then.
I've had a lot of art I made in the past, most are scrap.
Here are some recent art I made:
Art 1//Headshot
Art 2//AOD
Art 3//Headshot, Avatar art
Art 4//Sketch, girl
Art 5//Headshot, Kiki
Art 6//Headshot, Rosetta
Art 7//Chibi, Jalee (Halee)
Art 8//Avatar art
And here are some animated blinkies I made:

Friday, September 15, 2006
We already finished making the class flag for Sports fest. It turned out good. I'm happy that we finished it on time.
This morning, I had a stomach ache, It felt like butterflies were in my tummy. It got worse before Japanese class. I was so nervous about having a speech in front of class. My Japanese teacher called me, My speech was ok, and I want it to be over already, so I agreed on having the speech. It went out fine, better than I have expected. I was nervous and my voice was shaking... But after that I felt like the heavy load I was carrying was good. It was a relief. The butterflies in my tummy went away, and I felt better.
Then we had PE, it was exhausting, hot, and I was irritated. My hair was messy, and I felt uncomfortable. We practiced the way we are going to give the 'baton' to the other person, and how to recieve it. I was the first runner, so I only have to practice the starting position and passing the baton. The starting position is quite hard for me. I have done it a lot of times, but I am still nervous that I might trip and we would lose.
Next week, Monday, is a holiday so we don't have classes. The next day, Tuesday, is going to be a tough day. Our class schedule sucks...
We have (in order) PE, Fine Arts, Music, English, English, PE...
It's hell to all of us. I don't like PE, and well... my classmates don't like English and Fine Arts. Our Fine Arts teacher is strict and scary... and hated by some. But I think he's ok... quite narrow-minded, and high-tempered, though.
I am so tired right now. My feet hurts, and I want to rest and sleep.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I had a bad day this week, but I don't want to talk about it.
It's some person at school, whom I kinda hold a grudge. I hope I stop holding grudges, I'll do my best to... I already forgot about it.I still have some grudges left to other people, but I hope on
letting it go, It's so not healthy. I just want to turn off the fire of rage inside me.
And turn it in to something else. It is hard, very hard. Sometimes I wanted to shout on that certain person's face, but that would just make things worse.
I had quite a good time at school today. Although I swam for 7 minutes, and had a very, very bad head ache. I stayed at school and went home at about 5:00 pm. We were making our flag for the Sport festival this month. I think it needs a lot of work, and we need to work fast. It's really difficult... we need to draw 34 fishes, it reprents every person in our class. It's funny and interesting... and quite rude, I guess. The person who drew the picture of the fishes originally, was the one drawing the fishes, he was drawing it based on the appearance and personality of the people in the class. There are well, people in the class they dislike or make fun of... and he drew them... just the way they are. It's quite rude, I think... but quite fun and interesting. Besides, each and everyone of us in our class is unique... I think nothing is bad with that. Tomorrow until friday (I think), we'll continue on working on it. Good luck to us...
I think I won't be able to update as frequently as I did, but I'll try.
I am busy at school, and at home. I mean, I just can't sit here, surfing the net having fun, blogging or editing my website. I need to do some chores, eat (of course)... and do other more valuable things, too.
I think I've spent most of my time in front of the computer in the past years. And I need to stop and use my time more valuably. I just hope I do get to organize and really do what I want... because sometimes, this evil thing (internet) just tempts me. It gives me entertainment, gossip, information, and people to talk to.
I've recently realized I've been living up to the quote I love:
"Ignorance is bliss"
But I think Ignorance can be bliss in some certain situations, only.
And you just can't ignore and hide the facts, it's just hard, and it's not a good habit. So I changed it to my other loved quote:
"The most beautiful things cannot be seen, they must be felt with the heart"
I totally agree with that. And just hearing it makes me smile.
Calm and Happy
xxx Gem
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I've been busy about school, and haven't updated for a while.
I was also frustrated about my computer, it's really getting into my nerves.
The color black turns to red, and I can't open files, I can't change the skin of my blog.
I can't even put a software in it.
I didn't want to use the computer. But I decided to fix it, I erased all the files before.
I think it was a virus, that was the cause of this...
I just hope it won't happen again.
I changed my skin, it's a starry theme, I love it. It gives an eerie and peaceful sight to me.

I've been reading about Greek mythology. It was quite interesting and confusing.
I liked the story about Psyche and Cupid the best... but there are other stories, so maybe
it would change. I'm thinking of making a website about it...
I just want to type and type... And be busy infront of the computer when I don't have anything
to do with my spare time.
I'm quite stressed right now. We're already talking about senior high school at our school.
It's pretty stressing, I don't know which school should I go. I want to study in the Philippines,
because I think it would be easy for me, quite cheaper, and erm... fun. But my mother strongly disagrees. We had a fight, and she explained she's still thinking about it. Yeah...
She doesn't want me there. Personal problems. If she doesn't want me there, I told her I want to
study in England. That is very complicated. Still undecided, and undiscussed.
I am also confused... I don't know which course I should take. I thought of midwifery, but
my mother said no. She was a midwife, and she said it isn't a good career...
Well, what I really want to be is to be a Flight attendant. Yeah, ambitious, I know.
But I just want to have that job. The problem is, I'm afraid I cannot match the requirements
of a Flight attendant. I can't even swim! I'm not taller that 5'5, I have a friggin' astigmatism (eye
ailment). And Flight attendants are supposed to be tallk, have bright eyes, can swim up to 15 feet. My second choice is... quite unclear. I'm thinking of Forenscinc science, but I will still
do some research about it...
Toodles, Gem
Very, very, very worried