I think it is true that time flies fast when you enjoy what you're doing . Okay, studying isn't really enjoying, but when you try to enjoy it, and try to ignore the stressful stuff (even it's hard to ignore), you feel like time flies fast. Well, Ignorance really is bliss. My dog has grown, but he's still baby rei to me xD He's a mix of a golden retriever, so when he turns 1 (yr. old) this sep. or maybe oct. , not so sure, then he won't be exactly 'baby' Lol, I baby my dogs, too much I've been addicted to Vandread, well I was really addicted to that anime, but I didn't saw all the episodes. I just catch it when I have time on AXN before. I really love that anime, and Gatekeepers. I've finished 2nd Stage and I loved the ending I almost cried I cried tears of disappointment, because no more Vandread 3rd stage! Or something next to 2nd stage. I haven't seen all the eps. in 1st stage, so I'm watching it right now. Gaah, I just can't get enough of it
Music: I'll Make Love to you by Boyz II Men (Lol, I like listening to the love songs station on YIM) MOOD:Lovely
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I haven't been posting here for a while. I'm quite busy, but I think I'll try to post here once in a while. I've been really stressed and I really lack sleep nowadays. I've been sleepy on classes, and I can't concentrate. I think I should change the way of my lifestyle right now, and try to sleep early. Try to go to bed at 10 in the evening and sleep. I am so tired today. Our last subject was Physical Ed, and our lesson is about volleyball. I was so tired, good thing I didn't have cleaning duties to do this week. I've been addicted to youtube.com again, and I'm searching for Vandread Second Stage videos. I really like that anime. I've also been playing Gaia Online again. I stopped for a while but it is really addicting.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
We'll have our exams tomorrow. Japanese, Science and Fine Arts. I'm really, really nervous Really... I hope I don't forget the Kanji I memorized! I'm so worried...
Good Luck to me then... I guess.
And I'll also go to Tokai Gakuen, a college school! I'm going to learn information about studying overseas. I'm really nervous about that, too. Because I think I'm going alone... Oh well, this is a challenge, too! *laughs nervously*
MOOD: Worried
Friday, June 16, 2006
I went to Yokohama and Yamanashi-ken and stayed there for 2 nights and 3 days. It was fun, but I was homesick, I almost cried because I wanted to go home so badly. I took a lot of pictures, but I'm lazy, so I'll post it here maybe tomorrow. I don't have enough time, busy... Tests next week.
Friday, June 09, 2006
It was rainy this morning. It had been raining since yesterday. I'm quite nervous, because the trip is getting near! I hope it doesn't rain when we go to Yokohama. I like rainy days, but I think the rain would get in the way of our activities... The bigger traveling bag was carried inside a truck and is now already on it's way to our hotel. The things we are only taking with us on the day of the trip is a backpack. We're going to ride on a 'Shinkansen' (I don't know what it's called in English). I'm thinking of bringing gummy bears or worms to eat during the trip, I don't wanna be bored. And maybe also a book... yeah...
Exams are near, I should study hard!! >Toodles
MOOD: Excited
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
We're going to a trip to Yokohama next week, Monday~ Wednesday! I'm a little bit excited and very nervous!! I hope things would go well as planned. I'm planning in buying a souvenir, and I hope to get good photos of the place there. We're going to China Town on the first day, then eat at a cruise, then stay at a hotel. On the secind day, we're going to have activities, these activities will take place near the lakes and also near Mt. Fuji. The activity I am taking is about making glass. Vases made of glass, cups and other things. Our activity was easy... we might have a lot of extra time.
Next next week, we're having our exams, Oh no! Wish me luck...
:Rant: There is this girl in our school, she is my friend... I don't even know why the heck I am ranting about her. It's just... these past few days, I felt awkward towards her. I don't look her in the eye sometimes when we're talking. We both walk to school together, we eat together with a couple of other friends, we're classmates, we're cool, but I kinda dislike her for some things she does... When I met her for the first time I never imagined her to be like this, she isn't a bad person. She's smart, and she helps me on things I don't know, but I bet she doesn't have the patience. Sometimes I feel used... I try not to think like that, but sometimes it's hard to ignore things that hurt you. She was a quiet, kinda boring person before, But I think she decided to change, because here, if you're not interesting,people won't really like to hang out with you. She is one of the people who's good at English on our class, aside from me, and some other people. I hate it when I feel like I'm looked down on... I think it is just me, maybe I'm mistaken... but still it kinda hurts. I don't hang out with her a lot, and I kinda dislike it when she hangs out with me when she doesn't have any of her friends around with her. I know this is natural for them, but it isn't for me. And then she goes on about HP books and such... I told her about the details... well I don't want credit,but I just feel used... again. Lol, I am too sensitive. I guess I just have to deal with it..
Another rant: My sister's CD is hurting my ears. The lyrics are ok, I like some of the songs, but I don't think the singer is good. Plus she's a poser (the singer that is).
I feel like I'm getting stressed, hot-tempered, and twisted... I am so exhausted, sometimes I just wanna lie down and do nothing... but daydream.
girl ♥
the age is 15
the gender is female
the zodiac sign is leo
the birthday is aug. 7
the ethnicity is asian
the nationality is filipino
the location is japan
the city is nagoya
the occupation is student
girl &amors;
animals and nature
candies and fashion
stuff toys and stationaries
books and board games
movies and music
colors and clouds
bubbles and rainbows
pjs and shoes
girl &abhors;
racism and war
prejudic and lies
backstabbers and infidelity
fur and shark fin cuisine
teenage heartache and insecurity
gambling and cheating
x deja vu; kris x gloomy friday; hazel x crazygurl; stephanie x by your side; jewel and grace x cherry eyed; hazel x simple girl; jewel x look; kaye x friends; me, kris, grace x sakuhime; my sheezyart
-----x----- x maddie; my friendster x style; vogue, w x fashion net; fashion x glam; fashion x slink; teen site x imeem; music
-----x----- x gif images; mood indicator x pixels; smileys