Saturday, February 18, 2006
This is a picture of Rei again:

He's a lot bigger here.

"What are you looking at?"
I just found these pics in the camera. I think that my
sister was the one who took these pictures.
I'm thinking of changing my blog skin, but I feel lazy.
I have to move my links and the fanlistings...
It requires time.
But I'll try looking for a new layout right away.
I think I'm having a haircut today, too. (Yay)
Thursday, February 16, 2006

The exams are over, Hooray hooray..?
Not really, because I didn't take 3 subjects, Home Economics,
Japanese and Music! :( I wanted really badly to take those tests,
unfortunately, on Valentines day, my stupid stomach ached, so bad!
I thought I was gonna die, and I couldn't sleep or eat anything
aside from the rice porridge my mother cooked for me. It was a boring
day when I got that stomach ache. It was not diarhea, but good thing
it was over. I took some medicine and I felt better. My mother suspects
that maybe air (yeah whatever that is in English) entered my body and
went to my stomach and I ate something bad, like the meat we
ate at Yakiniku that night. And I was feeling so bad, and I can't move,
or even breath...horrible...
But I was quite thankful my mother didn't send me to school becoz,
I didn't get a good night's sleep, woke up 4am in the morning,
and had a stupid stomach ache again, and I felt really dehydrated.
Now it's not really gone, my stomach aches but I'm thankful it's
not that bad as before.
Well, good thing the exams are finished,
I think I'll be very busy tomorrow, though. I have a meeting, about the play for the 3rd yr students (10th grade). I was incharge of the sound
system. And after that I have to go to the dentist at 5:30 pm.
That's all, I feel so tired and so gloomy...
oh and don't forget sleepy...
Monday, February 13, 2006

Last Saturday, February 11th, is the 2ndth year of me and my sister's stay here, in Japan. I forgot to post an entry on the exact date, but
I still remember the date. It was a day 2 days before V-day.
I bought some V-day cards fror my friends, and told another friend,
if she could please give it to them on V-day.
She did, and I was so pleased. Thanks to her, I was able to greet
them a happy Valentines day.
I can't greet them now by card, but I can use the Internet!
Hooray for the Internet!
We had exams today, Social Studies,Math and Science!
I think I did ok with Social Studies (History) and Science, but
I know I did bad at Math. I'm not good at Mathematics xp,
since I was a child. I was focused on Literature...I think.
Tomorrow, we'll have exams on Fine Arts, Physical Education
and Health, and English. English might be a piece of Cake,but
Fine Arts is hard, so is PE. Good luck me.
We have exams, but I'm happy coz I can get home early!...
Well, and study :p...
Friday, February 10, 2006

I said that I'm going to take new
pics of Rei and post in my blog, so here it is!
So, cute... (._.;)
Pictures of Rei:
C:A pic of Rei. He already ate all the dog food on the green bowl. Now he's about to eat the dog food on the tupperware, The dog food that's actually for my other dog, Nana.
C: Relaxing on the couch, in the living room.
And here's a pic of Rei, being jelous with the cat, coz my sister
is hugging the cat, Bucky.So, he's biting bucky in thi pic.
I took the test on 'Koujo no Tsuki'. I was so nervous, but I did all my best! I sang from verse 1 to 4. Mrs. Mizutanim said I had a beautiful voice, and I did very well, that she almost wanted to let me sing in front of the class-Which I don't want to do! (._.;)
I was so glad and so nervous! I was so out of my mind that I almost went to the 3rd floor, instead of the 2nd floor, where my classroom is. I was shaking, but I stopped when we were taking our Kanji test. I hope I get a 10 this time!
I'm going to the dentist today, coz my tooth hurts. I'll be going later...
I'm so happy, it's friday :)
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Oh my... next week we have exams. Gotta a hurry... buh-bye!
Just wanna write on my blog (^-^)
Monday, February 06, 2006

It's already February.
My pet dog, Rei has grown, I think he just turned 4 months.
I have this pic when he was still 2 and a half months, he was so cute.
And here's one when he's acting a bit crazy:
But I think he's still cute.
His nose grew a bit longer than before.
I have another dog ,Nana, but she's afraid of the camera :(
I'll take more pics of Rei, so I can compare it to the past pics he had.
I had loads of pic in my cell, but I don't know how to transfer it to
my computer w/o using the e-mail.
We have tests next week :(...
And next next week on 17, I'll be helping on the play again,
the one we always have for the 3rd years.
I was assigned to make the props for the 2nd yr. presentation.
And I also volunteered to be responsible for the sound, pity I won't see
much of the play...
I did the lightings last year. The view up there was great.
Being in charge of the lights was difficult ,but I was
happy, I managed.
Ugh, I remembered the guy, a former 2nd yr. now a 3rd yr.
That was assigned there with me.
I was so mad when he told me I can go, coz he can manage
by himself, but actually the work isn't done yet. I was so humiliated.
I'm happy I won't be seeing his face, and his baldiness at school next year :p.
It snowed today and yesterday. I was surprised coz I didn't expected that it would still snow these days. But it was quite freezing, maybe that's the reason why it snowed.
I haven't had a good night sleep, since my aunt's cat, Lala,
was meowing all night long. It was so noisy I woke up on 6 o'clock
in the morning, I should be still sleeping!
I wake up at 7:00 or 7:15...
Valentines day is getting nearer.
Advanced Happy Valentines, to all.
> Toodles