Monday, January 30, 2006

LOL, the 'Lilo n Stitch' Opening theme drives me mad XD, cute.
Next week, we're going to study for the exams next next week, Good luck to me.
My, dog... me, oh good, he stopped.
Anyways, we're preparing for the graduation program for the 3rd years.
I volunteered helping on the preparation just like last year.
Ok, so it's 9:00 pm now, I should be on bed wrting on my diary :p.
Dear, we have P.E. tomorrow. Good thing I had a nap and my swollen feet got
better. Most of my classmates were absent today. Nothing special today,
but it felt like it's been a long day. Tomorrow, will be longer D:
I'm using the laptop, it's actually broken, thank god it's kinda ok.
Dad was brought home from the hospital, so I won't be able to use his computer that much.
Oh, and we had Sky Perfect cable, so I don't watch tv that much, coz the
schedule makes me mad.
But I do watch CSI:Miami and American Idol. The thing I like about this cable, is
that they have replays, but kinda boring, coz I don't really enjoy watching
the same episode all over again!
Oh and I figured out; Actually my sis did figured out how to change the
Languange in Disney Channel to English. I was so happy, I remembered that
I really hated it when I knew I can't change it to English before.
I don't play Gaia much, but I do play Neo again :B
Thursday, January 05, 2006

Oh, great... I'll be going to school, next week... perfect just
perfect... D:
I watched the movie 13 going 30, it was a nice movie.
I also watched The notebook...I loved it (; . ;)
I cried, and...and... it was just, so, erm... touching.
Monday, January 02, 2006

Well, today is Jan. 2.
I changed my layout yesterday, it seems like the image messed up.
I think this layout is so cute! <3
I'd love to see baby mickey and minnie too,hmn...
I wonder...
OMG, Jan, 2?! awww... Back to school... and I still didn't finished
my calligraphy project for Japanese (0.o)
I'm dead...
Sunday, January 01, 2006
OMG! 2006! times flies so fast!
Happy New Year to all of you!
Wow, I guess I should change the layout...It messed up!
It's the year of the dog!
New year, new resolution...