Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!
Well, I'm note really that happy this Christmas :p
Well, hope you do.
( My mother is acting weird again, she's so psycho...erm and
Well... Chrsitmas vacation. It's not so cold inside the house,
but cold outside.
OK gotta go,
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

It snowed this Monday. It was so cold, and houses and the
streets were covered with snow. It was also slippery,especially the
streets where there are many cars. Some of it melted, but some are not
yet, melting. I didn't have the chance to make a snowman! (._.;)
But, they said that it's going to snow tomorrow...evening, i guess.
Yay! i wanna make a snowman. And i'll name it Mr.Pebbles, lol,
weird name. Anyways, tomorrow is the last day of this semester,
yay! winter vacation....(._.) but there are projects and assignments
I should do too. I just recieved a letter from Gracey, thanks!
I love it <3, hope you recived my X-mas letter, too. I really, liked
it and the pic. And thanks again for the bracelet! (^.^)
That was cool! and you made it by yourself!...sweet, thanks.
Thursday, December 08, 2005

Well, the tests are finished.
Hmn...weird i don't know what to write!
anyways, i am questing for fairy wings in gaia,
and i feel so sad. Coz i saw a dead animal on the street.
I realy wanted to bury it, but when i came home from
school to do was shattered and there was blood everywhere.
I felt bad and i didn't want to go near it. Makes me sad and
makes me vomit. Poor animal.
I finished my puppet in school! yay!
i'm not really good at making puppets, and sewing.
I made a mouse (^.^)
Friday, December 02, 2005

It's December! wow time flies so fast. Our exams just finished
yesterday at last! It's so cold today, i should've wore that long sleeve
inside of my uniform instead of the short sleeved one D:
It's so cold and my hands and feet are freezing. My feet hurts so much.
This will be my new avatar for December, i think she's so cute <3
And i picked this one, coz it's blue and i think it matches the layout.
I'm questing for 'Fairy Wings' in Gaia. It's approximately 40 k.
Wow that needs a lot of work, but it's ok (^.^). I really need to
exchange my red guppies! D: Oh and should finish the letter! yes
the letters! D: OMG...!
I drew an avvy art of my dream avvy and christmas avvy.
Oh, and we had a new dog, his name is 'Rei'. Heh.... i feel kinda
weird becoz 'Rei' is also a name for a person here.
Anyways, he's 3 months old, turned 3 yesterday.
Oh, and i'm watching the news, there's this Carlo guy and he killed a
7 year old girl D:, and placed her body in a box *shivers*
I rememberd that night that it was about to appear on tv, i just closed
the television coz it scared me! Poor little girl....
He said that "The devil entered me"...yeah something like that.
My classmate said a gag like that on class, my teacher laughed a bit,
and said that she expected someone to say that. I feel so tired...
today is Satruday! woot for saturday! Saiyuuki, yaruki kiai Juubun da!
I'm thinking of making a story on my fanfiction account,
I think my account name is...Millefiore...or is it Millefuille D:
ok so nvm me.
I really really really want to sleep, and visit the optalmologist...
i feel like i need glasses DX.