Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I went to the Dermatologist yesterday, and i have this allergy.
I don't know the name. But the doctor gave me a cream, medicine
(for a week), and body soap.I'm going to visit the doc again next, and
have a check up, if the medicine would work on my scratches.
Gosh...poor me...and my skin *cries*.
I'm currently listening to 'Tell me where it hurts"-MYMP
it's a pretty nice song.
oh, and as you can see i changed my layout.
Winter is close DX.
It's so cold. And tomorrow, is a holiday, and
my mom's birthday XD. Woot! i hope we get to eat on
a restaurant (yakiniku!). Anyways, should study hard.
OMG! i just memorized some things in Fine Arts!
Like "Ukiyoe".
Oh and these:
1.Kiri no musume-Kitagawa Utamaro
2.Tanimura tora no washi tsuka ya hei ji-Toushuu Saisharaku
3.Fugaku san juu rokkei;Kanagawa okimami urazu-Katsushika Hokusai
4.Toukai dougo juusan;Kanbara- Utagawa Hiroshige
*checks book*
woot! it's all correct!
*dances the woot dance*
ok, so...bye for now, need to spam..i mean
post on the guild in Gaia
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Well, well, well...the exams are near, heh...
Oh,and about the song festival, our class won (>,<) woot!
I'm so happy.It was so cold today. On lunch, i almost
ate all of the main dish (..?). I was also late, some of them went
to the classroom, while me and some students were left in the lunch room. I drank hot tea, and it felt a bit warmer.
Today my classmate had a tantrum again...(er..was that right?)
anyways...they shouted at each other, and my classmate
ripped all his papers and shouted at my teacher 'die' and
dashed out of the classroom. And our teacher followed hi, and
blah...they just had a fight. Quite normal. I don't really care,
but it also causes us trouble! we can't go home early, becoz,
our teacher has to follow him. I really don't blame him...but
he did some bad things too. Oh, he always do :p.
But it's kinda...nice of him to still go to school. Some students,
like him don't. They dye their hair, with corny colors/ bimbo streaks :p.
Then dress funny wahaha! funny to me. I suggest they get a life.
heh...i think they trashed their life. Anyways, later there's naruto and yugi-oh! and...eyeshield 21! woot!! I didn't like the yugi-oh,the
other one (yugi is the main character). I like the second one,
Duel monsters GX. It's better, and i like it, and juudai.
I hate that Pheonix guy, he's like...eeew.
So...it's cold. And i have an allergy, i have itches on my legs,
and arms. But i only have itches there...weird. my stomach is not itchy,
my back too,and my feet. I really want to go to the doctor,
but mom's busy Dx. I'm thinking of...replacing the layout again.
When i have time. I should, search for a christmas layout!
yes yes! ho-ho-ho..? christmas! woohoo! <3 :p
eh...i feel so weird, when the people in the school, most of them guys,
just say bye/hello/ just greet. But i greet them back, of course.
Most of the girls, don't no...they don't greet, randomly, like that (._.)
but it's ok :p.but they talk to me,of course XD.
When i got home today, the cat food was spilled on the carpet.
Those cats D:. LOL, i remember that my sister's randosel (school bag, for elementary students), was scratched by the cats XD. I call her bag,
'catscratch randosel', and she gets mad at me! lol. I got letter,
from gracey yesteday! woot! i liked it. And yesterday Norinomiya sama,
(Tendo/Princess of Japan) was married to Kuroda san. So now,
she's Kuroda Sayako. The Emperor/royals in Japan (Tendo), doesn't
have a surname, and they are called sama. I've seen some part of the palace, and it was,big and wide.They said, they didn't had an exchange of rings...i think it's not really a 'normal' wedding. There are some weddings, i think one of it is called 'Konyaku' wedding.
That's all.
Sunday, November 06, 2005

Wow, it's november... (0.0)
I haven't updated, for a long time. I've been busy with gaia <3.
I went to the hospital yesterday, and i met my 'sempai' she's in
Senior hs now, and she graduated last year...
She kinda changed, a bit....lol.
She was my sempai in volleyball club. I saw her working in
the convinient store yesterday. Lol, I'll be working in one too someday...
and have money to donate to gaia, (._.) ((lol))
Well....that will be my avvy for november...
Jeez...my cat is here again..(>.<) I luff my cat :p
Ughm....It's sunday, and i haven'T finished doing my assignment
in Cram school! woot! how irresponsible of me...XD
maybe i'll be absent tomorrow...yeah!..?
This is the 101th post!
Wow! Hooray for my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!
<3 lol :p.
I'm just happy... :)