Friday, August 19, 2005

I feel so bored editing my blog D:<
oh well...
I'm so sleepy...
i'm having camp next week (x.x)
i should buy all the things i need (-.-).
Saturday, August 13, 2005

I feel so sleepy...(-.-)
so weak...helpless? a bit....
and i dunno why...
My hyperness left meh?!
I hope not (-.-)
I'm currently listening to "Dreamland" by
Bennie K, j-pop...i guess...lolz. (^-^;)
I like that song, so cute?! yeah yeah...yeah.
Thursday, August 11, 2005

This will be my August avvy (^-^)/
Again...i changed my layout... lolz, i think it's cute,
that's why i picked this one. I also changed my chatterbox.
Please try to leave a message for meh! lolz, joke....
I haven't posted for a while..........
yeah... have been busy with Gaia lolz, yea
gaia....(( i think i'm addicted to gaia (x_x) ))
This is my account [ Lady Marmalade ], hair (x.x)
August...meh b-day!!!!!!! is on August 7...and it's over..(0.o)
yesh it is...lolz............
i have a new cellphone <3 model,
W31S, powered by au by KDDI, created by Sony Ericsson...
yeah...this is what it loooks like W31S lolz...yeah
It's my b-day present from dad...
i want i bicycle too...lolz :p yeah....
ish dumb at riding a bicycle....
that's all