Woot! It's summer vacation (^-^) yay! Dum dee dum dum dum... I'm kinda bored today...OMG, the time!! jeesh i still have juku!!! woohooo!!!! i feel sooooooooo HYPER today... gotta go to gaia online and of course, i should edti my other blog Care2befriends (^-^) "otanoshimi da ne..."
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Well, today is saturday. I'm using my dad's cp..hehe...(-.-) Munching over Golden kiwiis and melons... (^0^) yummy <3 Hope the guild in Gaia is activated...that's all i think.. heh...g2g toodles...(^-^)
Friday, July 15, 2005
Wow...i've been so busy and of course... tired (-.-) today... becoz of school...and i still have many assignments to do...(-.-) I finally decided to make this as my current avatar, and would be changed.... maybe weekly (^-^)
We had...2 subjects then 2 about our camping and the upcoming Summer vacation, then lunch,then...English Contest practice... gosh... i SUCKED! BIG TIME!!! (-.-;),,, i really haven't finished practicing it.... oh...my...gosh... then the camping...hehehe it was fun (^-^) they were all so funny... but i still catched butterflies inside my tummy (-.-;) again.... hahahaha... then i went home, then went back again to school becoz i 4got my paper work yesterday and today is the last day for it, and i should really give it to my teacher (^-^) *nod nod*
My cute neko, is so sweet..(^-^) he's like... *meow* then he purrs and purrs... :3 so sweet (=^.^=) hehehe... that's all >toodles
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Now, here is my dear avvy! well, the wings are not open in this picture thoug (^-^;) Someone told me to remove the wings, hehehe but i won't...(^0^;) i like it that way, i like butterflies... the next thing i'm buying.... maybe a white sporty sneaker that is sold in isle of gambino or maybe Konfuzed dirtay or rainbow toe sox... yesh... maybe... then a phoenix circlet, and lastly the ever so cute and chobits like doll ears, i really want those (^v^) hehehe so cutey... oh and maybe gloves? (^-^;) gotta go... wow, i only talked about gaia (-.-;) hehehe...i think i'm addicted to gaia.. or maybe not? >toodles!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Today's sunday, yes it is...and tomorrow is monday. i have juku and other things too... Oh man... Bad news... I'm not going to philippines, this summer coz of what happened to daddy (-.-) I'm so sad... but i should really need, to understand the situation...
Oh, on gaia i have good news! I already bought butterfly wings!!! yay!! yay!!!!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
I'm so sad, today. My dad had an accident, last thursday, and he was operated...(-.-) for 7 hours. A lifter...i think, fell on his right foot, the bones and the nerves, all of them came out, and one of his fingers, was removed...gosh just hearing it makes me shiver...
then the terrorist attack in london makes meh...worry...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Here are quizzes that i took, for july, hahaha... right....
************* Your wise quote is: "Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life" by Leo Buscaglia. Yes, love is indeed what you desire in your life. If you have it or not is another matter, but it is in your eyes the most important feeling. You tend to be a romantic dreamer and want you and your love to have that kind of perfect love that you hear about in fairytales. However that can be hard to find, but it doesn't mean you are going to stop looking.
35: Clefairy - Its magical and cute appeal has many admirers. It is rare and found only in certain areas.
You are a water person. You are flexable and very nice. You are quiet so people who don't know you thnk you are weird or just mean and high and mighty like. You aren't though. You like to have a good time and you also just like to relax and just enjoy the stars.
Today, we had swimming lessons, again, I hope tomorrow we won't have swimming lessons (^-^;). We're learning to do the backstroke,and i dunno how to swim (^0^) hahahaha silly meh... We had, erm... a meeting again, i was a volunteer, for the eh...campfire, we're gonna have activities... and other stuff... (^-^) i think i already said that... yes... i do think, i did. My english teacher is so funny, hahaha well, not so but he's funny (^-^), and kinda...erm nvm...(^-^;)
I'm kinda...happy today, coz...oh... coz... he erm, kinda...erm... uh... hahahahaha hahahahaah haha...ha...... nuttin, just talked to me, hahaha just that... that...that.... he was a past, i dunno wanna... bring him back, hahaha, i dunno wanna... hahahahaaaaaaahahahaha...... i should stop, ya know...smiling....hahaha, and laughing... i should really, not like him, not....not... should...ahhh!!! i'm lying to meh self...it's so damn, hard (-.-'') end of story... >toodles...
Monday, July 04, 2005
Well, i haven't updated the weekly, stuff, but i'll try, though (^-^;) Today was a very very very...busy, sleepy and tiring day... kinda exagerrated?...i know (^-^) Well, first i haven't had enough sleep, and 2nd we had a meeting coz i was a volunteer for the campfire, we're planning, this summer, it's a school activity. I was a camp fire volunteer, and i was the one to think of the games, but i have 2 members with me (^-^). 3rd i went to juku...by 4:49 and i went home by 6:50...(-.-) so tiring....and i'm sleepy. Tomorrow we have swimming (-.-) i dun like swimming (-.-;)... i dunno how to swim, it's so funny... yes... it is ... oh, i wanna have swimming lessons (,-.-,) hahahahaha.... bye for now... toodles...!
girl ♥
the age is 15
the gender is female
the zodiac sign is leo
the birthday is aug. 7
the ethnicity is asian
the nationality is filipino
the location is japan
the city is nagoya
the occupation is student
girl &amors;
animals and nature
candies and fashion
stuff toys and stationaries
books and board games
movies and music
colors and clouds
bubbles and rainbows
pjs and shoes
girl &abhors;
racism and war
prejudic and lies
backstabbers and infidelity
fur and shark fin cuisine
teenage heartache and insecurity
gambling and cheating
x deja vu; kris x gloomy friday; hazel x crazygurl; stephanie x by your side; jewel and grace x cherry eyed; hazel x simple girl; jewel x look; kaye x friends; me, kris, grace x sakuhime; my sheezyart
-----x----- x maddie; my friendster x style; vogue, w x fashion net; fashion x glam; fashion x slink; teen site x imeem; music
-----x----- x gif images; mood indicator x pixels; smileys