Wednesday, December 29, 2004
:Tomorrow is gonna be exhausting:
Tomorrow we're gonna go to universal studios japan, in
Osaka... we had plans in disneyland but it falled... so
we're going to Osaka. I got my boots- my wishy....
i actually want the other one, but I got something diff,
but it's still nice :)
My dad bought plushies for our dog, I liked the other one,
Lady from lady in the tramp, so I keeped it :)
I name her 'Hanami'-chan.
I was full... we ate at the ramen restaurant.
Awww, Hanami si soooo cute.
I replaced 'sweetsnowflake' the 'adominable snowball'- to 'Hoshiyume' the cutie
faeire petpet 'Harris'- he's like a KOALA.
Friday, December 17, 2004
A: Your Beauty lies
in Innocence. Pure, sweet and child-like. You most
likely look far younger than
you are and your smile would brighten up anyone's
day. Seen as naive and
sheltered, you can be ignorant at times, but for
the most part, it's simply your
reputation preceding you. You are most likely
rather aware of the realities of
life. You are extremely good natured and
trustworthy. By the same token, you are
a bit too trusting. Be careful, few are as honest
and open as you. You might
seem girlish still with a love of dresses, ponies,
and things most might deem
you "too old for". But this doesn't
bother you. You enjoy your youth and are
going to make it last. After all you are only as
old as you feel.
Some Things
That Represent You:
Light, Wind Animal: Kitten Color:
White, Pink, Pastels Song:
Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney
Expression: Innocent Smile
Diamond Mythological Creature: Unicorn
Moon Hair Color: White Eye Color:
Quote: "A
stranger is just a friend you haven't met
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
brought to you by Quizilla
Comment: This really was a bullseye, look! that quote is my favourite!!!
I like the moon, I like all these things! Well the ponies and stuff, yah... sorta
*Blush* Yeah right I'm like a child, I wanna make changes, but I must be
So I'm bored, I went to my bestfriend'c blog, I saw cute, cool quizzes...
hehehe wanna try them too! :3
You'd wear a purple uniform! You are friendly and
loyal! You have many friends that really trust
you! You enjoy being with your friends and is
always in a great mood!
What color school uniform would you wear? anime pics Gilrs only
brought to you by Quizilla
Comment: Hmm... yeah, I'm not really popular with bad moods
and bad hair days! :) I'm friendly too, I have lotsa neofriends and friends
in IM, but Honestly I'm sometimes STUBBORN!!! LOL!!! *Ouch, bumps
knees coz of laughing*
Your inner self is your Cuteness! Your so cute and
lovable almost everyone likes to be with you!
Most of the time, you want to have fun and joke
arpund. The only bad thing is that you might
and be selfish at times and don't admit your
true self. Congrats!
.:What's your inner self?:. [With Anime Pics!!]
brought to you by Quizilla
Comment: Oh my gee! look it's Chii!!!!!!!! WHAA!!! Chi!!!!
Oh, no comment though... oh i have sorry i forgot, coz of chii's cuteness... Wow.
You have angst because of what has happened in the
past. You need to learn to let go.
Why kind of Anime Angst lies in You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Comment: Whoa, that's nice...
Your the empress of the water, ur very kind,
helpful and a bright lively young girl! But u
tend to annoy people somtimes as ur so lively!
Its just a personality quiz anime style (for girls only)
brought to you by Quizilla
Comment: Ok... cool the empress of water ;) Yeah, I somewhat annoy people,
one time someone got mad at me coz of that :P sorry. I like the Piccy!!!!
Lovable, Beautiful, and Caring. These are but a few
traits that a Love Goddess possess. You are a
champion when it comes to Jealousy and Revenge.
But that hardly happens; since you are a Love
Goddess. Sexuality playfully zooms in and out
of your aura. Other Love Goddesses are:
Freya(that's me!), Aphrodite, Cerridwen,
Branwen and Hathor.
What type of Anime Goddess are You?( with anime pics of course!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Comment: oh that's cool! Yippee! and a Hooraay! Love's the best thing on earth I'll
ever know! about the jealousy ok, but I don't really like revenge. Oh, and the jealousy
runs on love only... ok? (^-^)
Ok People! that's it for now! but thanks to my bestfriend, hope she takes
one of my quizzes (^.^) Thanks for scrolling my results, and remember,
to take the quiz!!! YAY!!! *Crowd's cheer* ;) ~~~
Oh... *sniff* excuse me for a sec *sniff* *sniffsniffsniff*
*gets tissue paper* *sniff*
Ok, I'm through (-.-)
It's so sad. I don't blame kikyou, but she should rest...
Hope you like my new music.
Oh... you want one ei? Join the GUILD!!!
(sorry, coz if you won't join you can't get it (>.>) )
Scroll down for info.
Mimi is your ordinary girl-next-door, with advices to share, and cool
friends to hang out with. She live in Japan, where in Japan? in Aichiken,
where in Aichiken you say? in Nagoya... Where the heck in NAGOYA! you say?
In Nakamura-ku... Be more specific ok? you say? In HIbitsu community,
if you wanna send her a letter that's 10-31, sorry no telephone no. info.
One day came... a not so ordinary day... for her. She was walking from school
with a friend, Ayu. They are talking for a moment, then she heard a clang of bicycle
behind her, She's gonna look behind, but she was busy talking. Then the bicycle
passed before them... she realized she knows the guy riding the bike, it's the guy in
her class. His name is.... well they call him Koi-chan (0.o) short for Koide.
This guy is not your Mr. Perfect in a armor and a noble steed, He's a bad boy...
Mimi thinks he's a Badass... but in that time... she thought, maybe he's not that bad...
I guess. Before leaving the school, Mimi also saw his art, and she thought, he
must be something more if only he would be mature... even a little. Mimi felt
something... something strange, that she felt before... it feels so real, and
it's like deja vu. Like when you graduate and be awarded as the valedictorian,
like when you eat a yummy food, you always dreamt to eat, like having a license
and a own car, like having cool boots for christmas... like having everything you
desire... but it really... really feels... like a 'crush'. When that thought came to her,
oh my geez... that can't be!!! Mimi tried to resist... she have done this
many times... and she has to, it's for her own good. One time Mimi tried to
follow the bunny, the bunny died... so from now on she always carries the priority
to ignore the little bunny, but to hear the Machine. Evem though sometimes
the Machine is so hard to follow.
NOTE:Mimi is copyright, the story itself too, is copyright. Nothing is copied,
I made it myself. If the names are coincidently the same to someone you know and
this has this situation, Oops... sorry (>,<). Anways thanks for reading, hope
you come again to see stories about Mimi, have I mentioned her twins? Nancy and
Ophelia? Oh may not yet... see ya again!
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Oh my my my.... my computer's damn broken AGAIN!!!!!! AAAHHH
I can't post on blogger, I can't go to internet, well this is msn explorer.
Jeez!!!! Ugh I'm broke tell me I'm BROKE!!! ugh. I'm hungry. I just updated my shop.
It's cold, my hands are cold, I hate that girl on tv >.> stupid girl.... bleh!
I like Orange Range (オレンジーレンジー) well I actually think it's corny...
but when I heard their breathetaking song 'Hana' oh my GOSH!!! i think I'm gonna fall!!!
It's so breathetaking!!!!! *blush* I also like the song of Hamasaki ayumi, about fuyu,
AHHH. Ignore my sillines kapeesh?! Silly stupid mascot on tv... >.> ugh. I have a tutor, later,
so I think I should type faster, and faster and faster!!!
Hey don't forget to visit my best friends blog!!!
Click on the image hurry!!!
And her 2nd blog
Hope you like her blog, she's really nice :)
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
I have many UPDATES!!!! I know changed my shop... it's 'Sweet Tooth' Hope you'll enjoy chocolates!!! and sweets! and candies!!!.. I mean your pet :) The song is 'Dance of the Sugarplum fairy' from the nutcracker! Hope you like my background!
Click the Image and Join the Guild!!!
Monday, December 13, 2004
11 days before Christmas! Yipee!!! We bought a Christmas tree yesterday, and a lil' santa, too. It's glowing... obviously it has lights. Oh, look at the time it looks like I need to go, my mother will get mad. Tomorrow, well I'll go home about 1:00 well I'm a cleaner but it would'nt take long. I have 8,000+ np, I had 10,000np... but I pushed a wrong button! and and... I had I had 8,000+np...(>.>) oh, nevermind. Tomorrow again buh-bye!
Watching: I don't know
Friday, December 10, 2004
14 Days to go before Christmas!I'm starting to count, the days before CHRISTMAS!!! Yaay christmas, too bad no gifts for me here in Japan, coz they don't do that here :( well gifts are'nt important anyways.
Currently watching 'Sento Chihiro no Kamikamashii' it's a really good movie just like 'Mononoke Hime'. It's a girl, it's a bit dramatic, too because Chihiro's mom and dad were changed into pigs, and she keeps on trying and hoping to change them back. There's this 2 twin witches,too. It's really good, and the art is nice.
December's Birthstone:
Watching: Sento Chihiro no Kamikamashii
Speak up:
In a neighborhood live 2 friends. These girls have been friends since
they were babies. Ema and Mimi. Ema is a nice girl who is
living in the same street where Mimi is living. They like playing and
teasing and laughing they're childhood days. But as each day
goes by, as each day they grow, they start to be apart and
begin to find a new companion to be with. Mimi enjoyed the
outdoors and Ema stayed inside. They went off with their lives,
not really being close with each other, Until... a certain day
came. Mimi was taken to her aunt's house for a while, away
from Ema...
To be continued>>>
Tuesday, December 07, 2004

It's cold, yup it is. I wore my coat today, it's a bit warm. But it's cold in school(>.>) I wonder if I go to senior high school, if I wear a skirt like that can I survive the cold? (-.-) I don't know, if they can take the cold with a skirt like that. Bleh, why do I have to go to senior h.s.?!!! oh, nevermind. I like the hair of that gal, I remeber I'll be having a haircut.It's really coooolllldddd.... uh. My dog is shivering because of the cold (>o<). Later...
Monday, December 06, 2004
I created a counter \(^-^)/
I had
friendly visits on Bubble Faerie
Thanks Guests...

Gosh... It's so COLD :( I should have wore my coat >,> jeez. Well I just came from school. I had a test on music, coz I was absent the time we had one. Well it kinda went well. Oh yeah, tomorrow we have Japanese. It's really cold, I was freezing there (>.<);; uh. Well I'm really really bored. I just had 3,000+ np, thankx to my neopet addict sis for that. Well I wanna make a quiz on... Quizilla, But I don't know about what topic. Oh nevermind. If you have some comments please, tell me, Just comment on this post (^-^) thankx. Well tomorrow we are gonna use the rrecorder for music. And um... nothing. I'm kinda sad well I don't know why, but I can feel something's... something's wrong. Oh nevermind me. (~,~) Maybe I'm just tired. gotta rest....
Sunday, December 05, 2004
All I want for Christmas is you e
Hope you like the music, oh and I decided to change my text color to green,
coz it's holiday, and I like green for christmas. Well for a meantime only.
I like Soda flavoured popsicle... don't you *eating soda popsicle* Yum...
I hate the annoying woman on the tv... her voice makes me sleepy... some
japanese women who sings like her is a bit annoying, too :p but it's kinda nice,
sometimes. I have a cough, but still eating cold food... heh silly me, but it's yummy
can't... resist. My Japanese teacher once said that her mother thought her to see the
forms of the moon just by using her hands. All you need to do is close your hands, and then
look at the lumps on you fist the count the days of the month there, starting from the index
finger. When it's deep it means it's a full moon, you also count the lumps. Yah.. i think that's it...
yeah... yeah.
Visit my Uni's page. Blueberry_dew2004, the Blue Uni.
Visit my Grundo's page. Widdles_white, the Violet Grundo.

Wow, look it's December, 2005 is near, wow... the days are fast... O.0
Anyways it's getting colder, and colder, but there are also some warm days.
I just watched Serendipity, I think it's nice.... very nice... It's my favorite.
I just bought my school coat... well.... not to boast but it's expensive about 17 thousand +,
but I think it's kinda worth it. Well it's not yet snowing. It rained yesterday. And today was really cold outside, but not really inside.Well my mother's blabbing... again >/ heh. Oh well, tomorrow we have P.E. oh, man... not relay again... :/ bleh... so tiring.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Well, my computer was broken and fixed... again... :p.... jeesh.
Anyway, a big Yipee! coz exams are over, and yaay coz, it's the year of celebrating,
I can get lotsa things in the advent calendar :)
I enjoy playing neopets. Anyway I need to get some pics. AGAIN, for this. My pics. are erased..
AGAIN when the computer is fixed... >) Anyways I need to manage many things. So later.